RésulatsVous pourrez trouver les résultats de la compétition sur notre page d'accueil (quelques jours après la compétition).
FAQ TopicsStartgruppeWho can participate?Changement de groupe de départLimites de tempsAnnulation de participationRemplaçantsExpiration/confirmationsocially contigentZone de transitionService véloInterdiction combinaisonObligation de combinaison néoprèneLocation de combinaisonBonnets de bain/lunettes de natationAccessoires/pièces de rechangeConseils pour le débutantsRésulatsWhat must I bring at least?For what I must not think about?When do I have to be at the venue?How runs the race procedure?What about food and drinks during the race?What about safety?What does the routes and profiles look like?Where can I stay overnight?How runs the race procedure at the RVK Company Team Cup and the other relay?What happens if a relay partner fails in the short term part?When do I give my bike and find out where which bag is, when I'm on the Cologne226 start and how do I get everything back together after the race?