Corporate volunteer team
You do not feel fit enough to take part in Cologne Triathlon Weekend yet? You can still join the event and enjoy the enthusiasm of athletes and spectators. Be in the middle of the action, register as a volunteer!
The registration as a corporate volunteer team (formed by at least 12 persons) during Cologne Triathlon Weekend opens up a variety of opportunities and advantages:
As a corporate volunteer team you can organize your own aid station with food and drink. This is an optimal opportunity for those not yet fit enough to participate, to contribute to their team’s success! The design of the aid station is mostly up to you, so you can use your brand logos and style work, and effectively combine your active support of the races with individual marketing aims.
Of course, your commitment shall not be left unrewarded: for the registration of 10 volunteers the respective company gets one slot for the B2TRI - Company Triathlon for free!